Ikea Skadis Pistol Bracket

Years ago I designed a pistol bracket with two wooden dowels on a circular base with a central screw hole. This allowed any pistol to be attached to a wall being held by the trigger guard. The bracket was simply rotated to afford the best balance and grip and tightened to the wall.
This evolution of that item now allows pistols and revolvers to be attached to an Ikea Skadis board for a very neat solution to display your collection.
So far I have not come across a pistol that could not be held by this simple yet ingenious bracket.
You will notice that there are a few versions of the rear part. I did find that some prints were quite brittle and the top lug could snap off, so there are variants that have a hole in the back to allow a small self-tapping screw, an M3 countersunk screw or an M3 machine head screw to be inserted to give extra strength to the upper lug.
Unfortunately, due to the huge variation in materials and print densities etc you may have to experiment with which design best suits your needs.

How To Use

The two parts are held together by an M4 countersunk screw. Total length 10mm, thread length 6mm.
Fit the two parts together finger tight and test position by holding the front part and finding the perfect grip and balance for the pistol. Now rotate the rear part so the hooked lug is at the top and remove the pistol and tighten the countersunk screw whilst ensuring the two parts do not rotate out of alignment.
Now fit the bracket to the Skadis board and fit the pistol.
This can be used for real steel, airsoft, air pistols and most other types of handgun.

Included Optional Parts

Pistol Bracket Skadis Rear Screw.stl - will accept an M1.4 self tapping screw of length 8-10mm

Pistol Bracket Skadis Rear Screw M3.stl - will accept an M3 countersunk bolt of length 8-10mm and also a wider range of larger diameter self tapping screws.

Pistol Bracket Skadis Rear Screw M3 Round.stl - will accept an M3 machine head bolt of length 8-10mm and also a wider range of larger diameter self tapping screws.

Requires Purcase
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