Duplex Designs

What We Do

Duplex Designs offers various 3D files for prop collectors, modellers and also those who may find the same odd things as we do fascinating.
There will be free stuff as well as items requiring a payment.
Some of the links to download will take you across to the appropriate 3D file hosting or sales platforms.

Not everything you find here is a 3D model, there may be documents, artworks, logos or anything else that we create following our personal hobbies that we feel others may also like.

Cop .357 3D Model

Complete 3D file set to allow you to print and build the Cop .357 four barrel pistol as used by Leon Kowalski in the iconic movie Blade Runner as he says "Let me tell you about my mother" and shoots Holden during the Voight-Kampff test.
Externally looks like the real steel (Does not contain all inner working parts) but only trigger moves and barrel can be opened by sliding back the barrel latch. Grips are separate parts unlike some models out there.

What's New

Various kits, stands and 3D parts for Tomenosuke and Anders 3D printed Blade Runner Blasters.

Mosaic Pixel Art

What's New

Large format Lego compatible tile mosaic pixel art representing the late Sinead O'Connor.
A huge stunning artwork.

Sinead O'Connor RIP






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Email: support@duplexdesigns.co.uk